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1 sept 2009

ZHENGZHOU – China – 20 – 23 October, 2009

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Friends,

Our Chinese colleagues of the « Yellow River Conservation Commission » are inviting us to organize, on next 22 October in the morning, 8:30 to 12:30, a «Special INBO session» on water resources management in basins, during the next « International Yellow River Forum », which will be held:
From 20 to 23 October 2009

We invite you to participate in this important international event to which more than 300 foreign participants from 50 Countries are already registered.

You will find any information on the 4th IYRF 2009 on the website , as well as the forms necessary for your registration. For any information on the Forum you can also contact the YRCC at the following address: .

Our «Special INBO session» will be organized around two main current topics on the implementation IWRM in basins and on the processes, tools and techniques used:

1. Role of regions/provinces, other local authorities and water stakeholders in river basin planning and IWRM implementation,
2. Funding of basin management plans and programmes of investment and measures.

We may speak also of public participation and involvement.

You are invited to present a paper on your experience: the title, the summary should reach us before next 10 September and the complete text on 1st October at the latest, at the address: .

INBO objective is to allow Basin Organizations and the companies and consulting firms which work with them, coming from all around the World, to informally meet their Chinese colleagues and to exchange their practical field experiences and techniques.

Any useful information, programs and proposed papers will be continuously available on the websites: and .

In order to facilitate the good organization of the meeting and your best welcoming in ZHENGZHOU, we thank you in advance for kindly sending, at your earliest convenience, to our Chinese friends (, the registration form to be downloaded from the IYR Forum website and for retuning to INBO Permanent Technical Secretariat ( the appended participation form for the «Special INBO session».

Your hotel booking at group discount price can be made for you by our Chinese hosts.

Unfortunately, we cannot take charge of your air travels and hotel accommodation in Zhengzhou.

We are pleased to see you next October in Zhengzhou, and we remain,

Yours faithfully.

Laszlo KÓTHAY, World President of the International Network of Basin Organizations,

Jean-François DONZIER, Permanent Technical Secretary,

International Network of Basin Organizations
21, rue de Madrid - 75008 PARIS (FRANCE)
Tel. + - Fax +
E.mail: .

Encl.: - Participation form for the «INBO» special session.

More Information:

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